It was an effort to get up after a long night with no sleep.
Images from the visitors, their comments, views of the Gallery. A very strong image, tThe visit with my five grandchildren the last day of the Installation, last Friday.
Hugs, so many hugs received.
The show went by, on it's own, yes. It stood up. People came and walked the Labyrinth, felt the sculptures, played with the old worn shoes on the floor, every time I came back as a spectator now, found changes made.
Comments written, sent, phone calls, messages. It did it's own work, it planted questions at the core. In Spanish we say "la obra". It did it's work, my work.
So it is Monday, time to take it down.
Hanne and Bruce come, gave us support along with Marie and Jane. Thank you each, with my upset stomach just the two of us would not have done it. We folded each garment, organized what goes to whom. The footprints in a box, the 300 shoes in 6 garbage bags for a next show that is being conceived. The sculptures became bare, naked bodies, went in a box. Carroll's hats carefully placed so they don't lose the feathers and flowers. Each piece I felt I knew, whose it is, what is the little story it tells. In a couple of hours we were finished. Done.
The seed is in my garden. I know many seeds were planted in people's hearts with the question, -Why do we cover our body?
They have been touched, will remember to feel women's steps and protection, needs and traditions, but mainly our need of autonomy and freedom.
Ottawa, March 22, 2010.
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